Exile Wellness
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Why Exile?

When you have so many options for fitness guidance, why choose Exile Wellness over the others? Very simply, we are intentional about providing guidance in three areas of your life: fitness, nutrition, and spiritual vitality with competitive pricing. How do we do that?


Personalized workout routines that can be done with whatever equipment you have access to. One-on-one trainer interactions mean you get individual attention and can ask any questions you might have. Workout video guides and schedules help you keep organized and check-ins with your trainer mean accountability.


In addition to guided fitness plans, each Exile client will receive a personalized nutrition plan. Weekly macro check-ins and communication from the trainer will help keep clients accountable and on track to meet their weight and nutrition goals. Whether you want to lose fat, gain muscle, or both, we can help you fuel your body to fit those needs.


Along with the other two areas, Exile wants you to build positive spiritual habits. Every Exile client gains access to daily Bible verse messages as well as reading plans to help you keep engaged with The Bible while on your health journey. You will also be encouraged to journal and reflect on Scripture every day.

Competitive Pricing

Exile is all about the client. We want our pricing to be a sacrifice worth making, but not a burden. Each client will get customized pricing based on the type of coaching they need.

Be an Exile Today!

If you are interested in learning more about personalized coaching, reach out via email for a free consultation. Email: exile.wellness@gmail.com